1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1, Page #07
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Combine Chaffer Finger Bar Flap
"When cigar-shaped stalk pieces get stuck in the sieves on my Deere combine, I can't adjust the sieves or chaffer anymore without taking a chance of bending the fingers on them. I've talked to enough other farmers to know this is a common problem," says Mabeus, who modified his combine with what he calls a "finger bar flap".
"All you need is a piece of thin, durable plastic (I used plastic cut out of an old shower stall). Thin sheet metal would also probably work. Simply remove the chaffer finger bar from the machine. Once removed, mark the bolt holes onto plastic. Then simply cut to fit. The length should be about half the length of the fingers, leaving the rest of the fingers ex-posed as before. Then just remount the chaffer finger bar with the plastic on top of the fingers.
"I no longer have to worry about dam-aging sieves when adjusting them. I also no longer have to climb into the back of the combine to clean them out."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rick Mabeus, 22419 60th St., Winfield, Iowa 52659 (319 257-6764).
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