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Old Deere Cultivator Rebuilt For Ridge-Till
Bob Reimann, Olivet, S. Dak., could get almost nothing in trade for his used Deere RG4 row crop cultivator so he rebuilt it for ridge-till by equipping it with chisel shanks, Deere diskhillers, and Hinniker sweeps and ridgers.
"It's similar to Hiniker's ridge-till cultivator, complete with stabilizer disks, disk hillers and the same sweep and ridger set-up," says Reimann, who bought the sweeps and ridgers direct from Hiniker. "I needed, a new cultivator, primarily because the spring shanks on the Deere cultivator weren't strong enough for no-till and had too little penetration."
Reimann replaced each row gang of 5 spring shanks with one chisel shank. To do that, he built brackets across the mounting supports to which he attached the shanks. The large RG4 stabilizer discs remain in place ahead of the smaller Deere disk hillers, which Reimann says Hiniker also uses on their cultivator, mounted just ahead of the ridger unit.
"It works great. I can cultivate at 4 mph and it'll penetrate even the hardest ground. I was surprised how well it works. When I built it I installed a solid shaft 4-in. dia. bar across the top for extra weight but I don't think I even need it because it penetrates so well," says Reimann.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Reimann, Rt. 1, Box 26, Olivet, S. Dak. 57052 (ph 605 583-2286).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #4