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Combine Wheels Fitted To Older Drill
"I got the idea when my neighbor junked out his Deere 55 combine and I noticed that the wheels seemed to be the same height as the spoked metal transport wheels on my older Deere grain drill," says Leon Reincke, Lake City, Minn., who decided to mount the combine wheels on the drill.
Reincke says he farms some land 7 miles from his home farm and had to load the drill on a truck or wagon whenever he had work to do there. Now he just hooks up to the drill and pulls it down the road.
"I welded the combine wheels onto the hubs out of the old drill wheels. I cut the outside row of spokes 2 in. long and the inside row of spikes 12 in. long, bending them out against the rim. Tires clear the hopper box by about 2 in.," says Reincke.
"I think there are a lot of older drills out there that aren't worn out but don't get used because you can't pull them down the road. The only thing I was concerned about was that it would be more difficult to see the wheel tracks but that hasn't been a problem."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leon Reincke, Rt. 2, Box 42, Lake City, Minn. 55041 (ph 612 345-4661).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #2