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Horizontally-Mounted Triangle Gates
FARM SHOW's "roving" reporter C.F. Marley puts on a lot of miles cruising rural Midwestern roads. He recently spotted this farm gate built by Ed Kalaher, Carlinville, Ill., and thought it was worth a photo.
Made of steel pipe and 2-in. sq. tubing, the gate consists of two triangular-shaped sides welded to metal pipes that slip over smaller pipes anchored in the ground. The gates swing back and forth freely on the smaller pipes.
The two sides of the gate meet in the center where they're held together with a simple latch.
"Makes a simple gate that's very sturdy. It would work particularly well' on long spans because they're so light yet self-supporting when latched together at center," notes Marley.

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #1