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Cover Crop Strip Seeder
If you summer fallow, you'll be interesed in a new cover crop strip seeder from Dakon, of Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
It holds 2 bu. of seed and is unique in that it raises and automatically stops seeding when the implement is raised. (Old fashioned pony drills, which are commonly used to plant cover crop strips, can't be raised out of the ground, the manufacturer points out.)
The new seeder features a flexible mounting assembly which allows it to float over uneven ground. It seeds three rows with the spacing between rows adjustable from 6 to 10 in. Or, the middle row can be closed off completely. "Most farmers use flax
for the cover crop strips but it will also handle a wide variety of other crops," the manufacturer points out. "Maximum spacing generally used is 35 ft. between strips. Farmers with a 40 ft. wide cultivator use one seeder and overlap enough on each pass to hold width between seeded strips at 35 ft. Farmers with 50 ft. or wider cultivators generally mount two units on the implement."
The seeder is equipped with 3 Danish tines, each equipped with a seeding shoe. Seeding rate is adjustable. Sells for $620.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dakon, Box 909, 1100 W. Delaware Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 57101 (ph 605 336-0520).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2