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North Dakota Once Again Produces Big Green Tractors
Thanks to a new joint international venture, Fargo, N. Dak., will once again be turning out bright green 4-WD tractors but they won't be called Steigers.
The big "Zanello" tractors will be produced through a joint agreement between Power Mart Inc. of Fargo, Zanello S.A. of Argentina, and General Tractor Inc. of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Power Mart Inc. makes the "Titan" line of tractors introduced a couple of years ago (Vol. 18, No. 6) and includes former top executives of Fargo's Steiger Tractor Co. Zanello S.A. is a long-established manufacturer of tractors and irrigation equipment from Argentina's Cordoba province. General Tractor Inc. is a marketing distribution company.
The Zanello line will initially include six models ranging from 205 to 375 hp, with the first tractors expected off the line in early to late October. Larger tractors, including 450 and 525, up to 850 hp, will follow a couple months later.
The idea was born last winter because many components - engines, cabs, hydraulics, heater and air conditioner - of Zanello S.A.'s tractors were already produced in the U.S., according to Jack Johnson, president and CEO of Power Mart.
The tractors feature articulated steering and oscillating axles, just like the old Steigers. That's thanks in part to Zanello's brief production of Steiger tractors for distribution in Mexico, South America and Saudi Arabia in the early 1980's. The arrangement ended when Steiger filed for bankruptcy reorganization in 1986.
Power Mart and Zanello say there are no patent infringement issues with Case-IH which bought Steiger in 1986. Case-IH reintroduced 4-WD Steigers last year.
Zanello tractors will be available from short line dealers, Johnson said. About 20 dealers in the Dakotas, Minnesota and Montana want the line, he added.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Power Mart Inc., 401 27th St. NW, Fargo, N. Dak. 58102 (ph 800 883-9686 or 701 232-6271; fax 5813).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #5