New "Compaction-Proof" Tractor
"Like most farmers, we were faced with the growing problem of compaction in our corn and soybean fields and wanted to eliminate the problem. And we did - with our Culti-Planter. It's virtually compaction proof," says Art Crow, Jr., Milford, Ill. He's patented the new-style tractor and plans to produce it commercially.
It boasts 320 hp (engine) and floats on 12 rear-drive wheels equipped with large Goodyear Terra tires (48 by 20.00 by 20) for once-over seedbed preparation and planting. Planting width is 30 ft. (12 30-in. rows). It's equipped with 12 Deere Max-Emerge planting units - one directly behind each wheel.
The 12 drive wheels are powered by hydraulic motors on torque hubs which let the wheels "float" to follow field contours. The wheels are connected both hydraulically and mechanically and each carries its share of the total load - 25,000 lbs. on the rear, and 8,380 lbs. on the front. When used for planting, weight of the field cultivator and planter are not carried, which lessens the load on the main wheels, Crow told FARM SHOW.
For plowing, the rear drive wheels are reduced to six. This is accomplished by hydraulically sliding the engine frame to the left side of the main frame, then uncoupling a "center pivot" on the main frame. The 15 ft. wide power section easily pulls a seven-bottom 18 in. plow, says Crow.
For road transport, the CultiPlanter is moved in two sections, with one coupled to and trailing the power section.
The unit is powered by a 320 hp turbo charged 903 Cummins diesel engine. Two Dyopower 120 hydraulic pumps, mounted on the rear of the engine, power the machine's drive wheels through a common oil manifold. There's a 100 gal. hydraulic platform, and a 150 gal. fuel tank mounted directly in front the engine.
The tractor's front wheels are "power steered" and a small hydraulic pump is used to operate all controls and lift cylinders. For planting, herbicide is sprayed on soil ahead of the field cultivator and "popup" fertilizer is put down with the seed. The rig also carries boxes for putting down dry insecticide.
"We haven't made any scientific measurements to pinpoint the difference in compaction between this and a conventional tractor of comparable horsepower, but I know the difference is substantial," says Crow. "In addition to not packing the soil, we're saving time and fuel getting our crops planted, and we think we're doing a better job of farming with the Culti-Packer. Corn stands we're getting with it are almost perfect."
Crow has obtained several patents on his new style tractor and invites inquiries from manufacturers who may be interested in producing it commercially. Meanwhile, he's prepared to custom build units for anyone interested in a virtually "compaction proof", high horsepower tractor that's also designed to produce nearly perfect stands of corn, soybeans and other row crops.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Art Crow, Jr., President; Art Crow Mfg., Milford, Ill. 60953 (ph. 815 889-4612).
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New "Compaction-Proof" Tractor TRACTORS New Tractors 1-3-6 "Like most farmers, we were faced with the growing problem of compaction in our corn and soybean fields and wanted to eliminate the problem. And we did - with our Culti-Planter. It's virtually compaction proof," says Art Crow, Jr., Milford, Ill. He's patented the new-style tractor and plans to produce it commercially.
It boasts 320 hp (engine) and floats on 12 rear-drive wheels equipped with large Goodyear Terra tires (48 by 20.00 by 20) for once-over seedbed preparation and planting. Planting width is 30 ft. (12 30-in. rows). It's equipped with 12 Deere Max-Emerge planting units - one directly behind each wheel.
The 12 drive wheels are powered by hydraulic motors on torque hubs which let the wheels "float" to follow field contours. The wheels are connected both hydraulically and mechanically and each carries its share of the total load - 25,000 lbs. on the rear, and 8,380 lbs. on the front. When used for planting, weight of the field cultivator and planter are not carried, which lessens the load on the main wheels, Crow told FARM SHOW.
For plowing, the rear drive wheels are reduced to six. This is accomplished by hydraulically sliding the engine frame to the left side of the main frame, then uncoupling a "center pivot" on the main frame. The 15 ft. wide power section easily pulls a seven-bottom 18 in. plow, says Crow.
For road transport, the CultiPlanter is moved in two sections, with one coupled to and trailing the power section.
The unit is powered by a 320 hp turbo charged 903 Cummins diesel engine. Two Dyopower 120 hydraulic pumps, mounted on the rear of the engine, power the machine's drive wheels through a common oil manifold. There's a 100 gal. hydraulic platform, and a 150 gal. fuel tank mounted directly in front the engine.
The tractor's front wheels are "power steered" and a small hydraulic pump is used to operate all controls and lift cylinders. For planting, herbicide is sprayed on soil ahead of the field cultivator and "popup" fertilizer is put down with the seed. The rig also carries boxes for putting down dry insecticide.
"We haven't made any scientific measurements to pinpoint the difference in compaction between this and a conventional tractor of comparable horsepower, but I know the difference is substantial," says Crow. "In addition to not packing the soil, we're saving time and fuel getting our crops planted, and we think we're doing a better job of farming with the Culti-Packer. Corn stands we're getting with it are almost perfect."
Crow has obtained several patents on his new style tractor and invites inquiries from manufacturers who may be interested in producing it commercially. Meanwhile, he's prepared to custom build units for anyone interested in a virtually "compaction proof", high horsepower tractor that's also designed to produce nearly perfect stands of corn, soybeans and other row crops.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Art Crow, Jr., President; Art Crow Mfg., Milford, Ill. 60953 (ph. 815 889-4612).
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