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Machine Runs, Stretches Barbed & Woven Wire
"A three-man crew can average more than three miles a day with my fence stretcher. That's more than twice as much fence as they could build working the old-fashioned way," says Fred Farnsworth, Hooper; Utah, inventor of the Farnsworth Fence Stretcher.
"Other advantages of my fence-building machine is that it keeps wires off the ground and untangled. You can string wires at any height and uneven ground isn't a problem either - you get uniform tension on both hills and valleys," points out Farnsworth.
Key to the fence stretcher is its adjustable tension feed-out system. Barbed wire spools sit on stakes and the wire feeds out around a roller and pulley. Rubber inserts inside the pulley keep wire from slipping. The woven wire model holds four spools of wire and feeds it out around three rollers.
To string wire you secure one end to the corner post and drive your truck or tractor forward. As you move ahead, wire feeds out of the fence stretcher taut and ready to clip to posts.
Farnsworth's barbed wire stretchers handle 3 to 6 strands of barbed wire and can also handle electric wire up to 9 ga. and electric cable. Another machine rolls out both woven and barbed wire. Models can be mounted on a tractor 3-pt. or bolted to a truck bed.
The three-wire fence stretcher sells for $2,995. The 3-strand barbed and woven wire combination sells for $7,995.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Farnsworth Fence Stretcher, 4635 W. 5100 S., Hopper, Utah 84315 (ph 801 776-6129).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3