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KwicKonnect Hose Coupler
I designed this new "KwicKonnect" hose coupler because of problems we had connecting manure hoses up to manure tanks. This re-fit device can be easily be fitted to Better-Bilt, Balzer, LMT, and other tanks that use 6-in. Italian couplers. It replaces the existing awkward hand clamps with an adjustable sliding hose yoke that is toggled over center with a strong handle. To install, you simply hacksaw off the old handles and slip the new collar over the spreader outlet and tighten the set screws. Once installed, it lets you hook up a hose with just a flip of the handle. (Duane Adrian, Adrian Affg. Co.,
RL 1, Box 6, Butterfield, Agnn. 56120 ph
507 956-3631)

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #2