Quick Hitch Adapter For Deere 750 Drills
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New quick hitch adapter for Deere 750 15-ft. grain drills equipped with drawbar-type hitches and dolly wheels takes weight off the wheels, keeping the wheels from causing ruts and soil compaction in soft soil conditions, says S.I. Distributing, St. Marys, Ohio.
The adapter bolts to the back of the company's Wil-Kea swivel hitch, introduced last year for Deere 750 15-ft. drills that have drawbar-type hitches but no dolly wheels. The Wil-Kea swivel hitch hooks onto the tractor 3-pt. lower lift arms and is designed to transfer the drill's weight off the tractor drawbar to eliminate drawbar breakage. It also adds 28 in. to the drill's tongue to al-low a tighter turning radius and lets you hook up to the drill quickly and adjust tongue height.
To mount the drill you remove the drill's clevis and widen the hole on the tongue, then slip the original hitch pin through it. Another pin is used to secure the top part of the tongue.
The new quick hitch adapter sells for $395. The original Wil-Kea swivel hitch sells for $1,085.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, S.I. Distributing, 03221 Barber-Werner Road, St. Marys, Ohio 45885 (ph 800 368-7773 or 419 394-2989).
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Quick Hitch Adapter For Deere 750 Drills DRILLS Drills (42C) 20-2-28 New quick hitch adapter for Deere 750 15-ft. grain drills equipped with drawbar-type hitches and dolly wheels takes weight off the wheels, keeping the wheels from causing ruts and soil compaction in soft soil conditions, says S.I. Distributing, St. Marys, Ohio.
The adapter bolts to the back of the company's Wil-Kea swivel hitch, introduced last year for Deere 750 15-ft. drills that have drawbar-type hitches but no dolly wheels. The Wil-Kea swivel hitch hooks onto the tractor 3-pt. lower lift arms and is designed to transfer the drill's weight off the tractor drawbar to eliminate drawbar breakage. It also adds 28 in. to the drill's tongue to al-low a tighter turning radius and lets you hook up to the drill quickly and adjust tongue height.
To mount the drill you remove the drill's clevis and widen the hole on the tongue, then slip the original hitch pin through it. Another pin is used to secure the top part of the tongue.
The new quick hitch adapter sells for $395. The original Wil-Kea swivel hitch sells for $1,085.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, S.I. Distributing, 03221 Barber-Werner Road, St. Marys, Ohio 45885 (ph 800 368-7773 or 419 394-2989).
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