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Pushable Tractor Lift Boom
When Verdell Gnuse first built this "pushable" lift boom to use with his tractor, he equipped it with a hand-pumped jack. He later replaced the jack with a hydraulic cylinder hooked into tractor hydraulics and it became one of the most-used pieces of equipment around his Arlington, Neb., manufacturing plant.
The 2-wheeled lift boom hitches to a tongue welded to the front of a Deere 3020. A hydraulic quick coupler is positioned just above the tongue.
The lift arm has a fold-out extension. When the arm is fully extended, it'll lift to a maximum height of 20 ft. When the extension's folded back, the short lift arm lifts loads up to 9 ft. The short arm can handle more weight. The lift cylinder can also be adjusted by changing its position as needed to lift more or less weight to varying heights.
The support frame is made out of steel pipe with corners reinforced by plate steel. The boom is made out of reinforced channel iron and steel tubing.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Verdell Gnuse, First & Elkhorn, Arlington, Neb. 68002 (ph 402 478-4433).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #6