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Handy New Lifts For Down Livestock Sling Lift For Loaders
The Multi-Purpose Animal Sling, invented by Iowa veterinarian, Dr. Dale Welbourn, of Neola, lets you use your tractor and loader to lift down animals.
"The down animal can be lifted and held upright with slight pressure on its feet. A cow, for example, can be lifted for an hour or so, three or four times each day. This helps her and also, in the case of a just-freshened cow or heifer, lets the calf nurse at the same time," Welbourn explains.
The sling, made of "super tough" canvas has 10 nylon straps connecting it to a rectangular pipe frame. The pipe frame attaches to the loader via two nylon straps with hooks on the end which hitch to a log chain fastened to the loader bucket.
Straps around the front and rear keep the animal from slipping out of the sling.
Welbourn notes that the sling can lift 3,000 Ibs. and can be used to lift beef or dairy animals, hogs, horses or sheep. Animals can be transported while in the sling.
The entire assembly rolls up to fit into a 3-ft. long bag for storage.
Welbourn, who's in the process of lining up a manufacturer, estimates that the retail cost will be under $200.
For more information contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dr. Dale Welbourn, Box 26, Neola, Iowa 51559 (ph 712 485-2265).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #5