He Mounted Deere Planter On Cultivator To Apply Fertilizer
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We've seen all kinds of ideas for ways to sidedress dry fertilizer onto growing crops but this is one of the most unusual. Wisconsin farmer Leonard Goetti re-moved the planter boxes from a Deere 494 planter and then mounted it right on top of his row crop cultivator.
"I have put liquid nitrogen onto my corn for years but the cost of applying it kept going up and when it got applied varied with the weather or how far I was down the list. Also, it seemed to me the results with liquid varied from year to year according to the weather, especially since my liquid was applied on top of the ground.
"So I got the idea of mounting fertilizer boxes on top of my cultivator and I bought a Deere 494 planter at an auction for $35. When I started tearing it apart, I decided to just remove the planter units and leave the frame intact with the fertilizer boxes and ground drive wheels in place. I mounted the entire frame on my 3-pt. mounted cultivator using just one bolt and two pieces of angle iron. It shuts off automatically when I raise the cultivator because the drive wheels on back lift off the ground.
"This was the first year I used it and it worked great. I did over 100 acres. The dry fertilizer falls down between the rows and is worked in as I go. I like it because it becomes available in a few days and continues through the summer months without evaporating or leaching out like liquid does. Another advantage is that it saves one trip through the field as well as application cost for the liquid."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leonard Goetti, Rt. 2, Box 299, Chippewa Falls, Wis. 54729.
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He Mounted Deere Planter On Cultivator To Apply Fertilizer CULTIVATORS Cultivators (58C) 17-6-6 We've seen all kinds of ideas for ways to sidedress dry fertilizer onto growing crops but this is one of the most unusual. Wisconsin farmer Leonard Goetti re-moved the planter boxes from a Deere 494 planter and then mounted it right on top of his row crop cultivator.
"I have put liquid nitrogen onto my corn for years but the cost of applying it kept going up and when it got applied varied with the weather or how far I was down the list. Also, it seemed to me the results with liquid varied from year to year according to the weather, especially since my liquid was applied on top of the ground.
"So I got the idea of mounting fertilizer boxes on top of my cultivator and I bought a Deere 494 planter at an auction for $35. When I started tearing it apart, I decided to just remove the planter units and leave the frame intact with the fertilizer boxes and ground drive wheels in place. I mounted the entire frame on my 3-pt. mounted cultivator using just one bolt and two pieces of angle iron. It shuts off automatically when I raise the cultivator because the drive wheels on back lift off the ground.
"This was the first year I used it and it worked great. I did over 100 acres. The dry fertilizer falls down between the rows and is worked in as I go. I like it because it becomes available in a few days and continues through the summer months without evaporating or leaching out like liquid does. Another advantage is that it saves one trip through the field as well as application cost for the liquid."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leonard Goetti, Rt. 2, Box 299, Chippewa Falls, Wis. 54729.
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