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New Crock Plate Cooks Anything
The popular Crock-pot introduced low temperature cooking in stonewere. Now comes the brand new Crock-Plate, featuring high temperature cooking in stoneware.
The new do-anything cooker does the work of ten appliances, says Rival Mfg. It's a non-stick brazier/broiler, griddle, skillet, "deep" fryer, oven, wok, steamer/poacher, omelet/crepe maker, chafing dish and warmer/server.
The Crock-Plate picks up where the Crock-Pot leaves off, says Rival. Cooks everything from fried chicken to apple fritters, sizzling steaks to delicate crepes.
How does it impart juicier, full bodied flavor to foods?
"The secret is in the stoneware. It's made of Petalite, a rare mineral mined only in Brazil," explains Cane Shapiro, public relations manager. "There are no heating element hot spots as in an electric fry pan. Everything cooks with a constant, even heat from the center to the sides. Even when heated to 650?F the stoneware plate can be immersed immediately in cold water without cracking or shattering."
Crock-Plate is rated at 1,350 watts. Suggested retail is $62.95.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rival Mfg. Co., 36th and Bennington, Kansas City, Mo. 64129 (ph. 816 861-1000).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #4