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New Self Leveling Cultivator Shields
You'll like these new self-leveling cultivator shields that'll fit any toolbar and provide total protection to growing crops while allowing you to travel faster while cultivating.
The shields, developed by Norm Mead, Wood River, Neb., are 4 to 5 ft. long, depending on the number of shanks on your cultivator. They curve over the top of the crop and are suspended by parallel linkage from the toolbar. They can be raised or lowered with a chain, allowing you to adjust to changing crop and field conditions. Shields can be adjusted up or down, back and forth in seconds.
Units fit any cultivator or toolbar. The 4-ft. long units sell for $70 andthe 5-ft. for $77.50.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mead Cultivator Shield, Box 402, Wood River, Neb. 68883 (ph 308 583-2875).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #2