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Cordless Engine Heater
Our Hilton cordless engine heater uses liquid propane and your vehicle's 12-volt battery. It's completely independent of any other power source. It's designed to heat all liquid cooled engines that require preheating to start in cold weather and also eliminates the need to idle diesel engines in cold weather. The heater is activated by flipping a switch on the dashboard. Once it reaches operating temperature a thermal switch permits the propane to flow from the tank. The heat source then operates on its own with no further battery use. As engine coolant is heated, it circulates through the engine by convection and the pumping action of the heater. It's a safe, flameless source of heat that's maintenance free with no moving parts to wear out. Average operating cost is less than 15 cents per hour. Built-in safety devices prevent overheating and any possibility of electrical damage. The only limitation is that at 44 degrees below zero liquid propane ceases to vaporize. If the propane tank approaches that temperature, the heater will lose its fuel source and won't work.
Sells for $495. (Donald Schafer, president, Hilton Cordless Heaters, Box 304, Esko, Minn. 55733 ph 218 624-3364)

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2