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Unstuck Trucks, Tractors
"Dyna-Bites cost less than a pair of chains, yet are much more effective and simpler to put on and take off," says Ted Granryd, inventor of the slick new system we told you about in our November-December issue for "unstucking" cars, trucks or tractors hopelessly mired in mud or snow.
Dyna-Bites strap onto the drive wheels. Each unit consists of a tire segment 3 in. wide and almost 1 in. thick with a nylon-webbed belt and buckle fastened to it. To "unstuck" a vehicle, you simply strap a Dyna-Bite to each drive wheel. The device is used in pairs - one for each driving wheel. Thus, a two-wheel drive vehicle requires one pair. Four-wheel drives take two pairs for maximum mobility.
"Anyone who knows how to fasten and release a seat belt in a car can put the device on, or take it off, in a matter of seconds. It is effective whether you drive in deep snow, mud or sand. And, it fits rear-wheel drives, frontwheel drives and four-wheel drives - even those with disc brakes on the driving wheels. What's more, it's equally useful whether you drive forward or want to go in reverse," says Granryd.
Dyna-Bites to fit most tractors will be available soon. Justintroduced models for cars and trucks sell for $29 per pair, including shipping. When ordering, give tire size.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, TG Strips, Inc., Ted Granryd, President, P.O. Box 258, Lake Forest, Ill. 60045 (ph 312 234-0013).

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1981 - Volume #5, Issue #1