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Night Spraying Works Better, Saves Money
Greg Daws started spraying at night four years ago because he kept getting behind on spraying the 4,800 acres he and his father raise on their farm near Michigan, N. Dais The problem is that days without wind are rare in that part of the country and Daws doesn't like to spray if wind speed is above 8 mph.
Between wind and rain delays, they often ended up hiring aerial applicators to finish the job.
When Daws started spraying at night, he discovered that calm conditions were just one benefit. Higher humidity and better herbicide performance are other advantages that quickly became apparent. Certain herbicides do a better job when humidity is high because the moisture gives the chemicals a route into the weeds.
In addition to getting his spraying done more promptly, Daws says he's been able to reduce herbicide rates of some chemicals as much as 60 percent.
He modified equipment for nighttime use by mounting an airplane landing light on front of the tractor and two airplane landing lights on the spray boom. He runs on tramlines in his field that are made by blocking seed openings on grain drills. They make it easier to navigate at night. Daws manufactures and sells his own tramline kit. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Greg Daws, Rt. 1, Box 61, Michigan, N. Dak. 58259 (ph 701259-2135).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #4