Pull Behind Cultivator For Moldboard Plows
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"A tremendous amount of moisture is lost right behind the plow," says Floyd Ghere, Danville, Kan., who came up with a pull-behind cultivator for moldboard plows that breaks up clods and seals up plowed ground before moisture can evaporate from open furrows.
"Many farmers, particularly in this part of the country, follow the plow with a second tractor and cultivator to do exactly what this unit will do without the extra compaction. This unit takes less power to pull than one plow bottom and the S-tines provide the best action for breaking up clods and preparing a seedbed," says Ghere.
The mini-cultivator's two rows of tines are raised and lowered by a small cylinder. It's pulled by a short mast welded to the top of the frame of the plow pulling it. Sizes for plows ranging from 5 to 13 bottoms are available.
The cultivator pulls from the center of the plow, allowing a straight pull from the tractor. The left wheel rides in the furrow so the cultivator easily follows the plow. The machine is built from heavy steel and the added weight of the cultivator gives added penetration in hard ground conditions. The unit's hydraulics can be operated in conjunction with the plow's hydraulic system or separate controls can be used.
A Ghere mini-cultivator, sized for a 7 to 8-bottom plow, sells for $2,260 without the 3 to 4-in. cylinder and hoses needed to raise and lower it.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ghere Mfg., Danville, Kan. 67036 (ph 316 962-5291).
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Pull Behind Cultivator For Moldboard Plows CULTIVATORS Cultivators (58C) 8-2-4 "A tremendous amount of moisture is lost right behind the plow," says Floyd Ghere, Danville, Kan., who came up with a pull-behind cultivator for moldboard plows that breaks up clods and seals up plowed ground before moisture can evaporate from open furrows.
"Many farmers, particularly in this part of the country, follow the plow with a second tractor and cultivator to do exactly what this unit will do without the extra compaction. This unit takes less power to pull than one plow bottom and the S-tines provide the best action for breaking up clods and preparing a seedbed," says Ghere.
The mini-cultivator's two rows of tines are raised and lowered by a small cylinder. It's pulled by a short mast welded to the top of the frame of the plow pulling it. Sizes for plows ranging from 5 to 13 bottoms are available.
The cultivator pulls from the center of the plow, allowing a straight pull from the tractor. The left wheel rides in the furrow so the cultivator easily follows the plow. The machine is built from heavy steel and the added weight of the cultivator gives added penetration in hard ground conditions. The unit's hydraulics can be operated in conjunction with the plow's hydraulic system or separate controls can be used.
A Ghere mini-cultivator, sized for a 7 to 8-bottom plow, sells for $2,260 without the 3 to 4-in. cylinder and hoses needed to raise and lower it.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ghere Mfg., Danville, Kan. 67036 (ph 316 962-5291).
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