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Hay Wagon Doubles As Bin Mover
A Canadian farmer has discovered that his small square bale wagon works great for transporting grain bins from farm to farm or down the mad.
Jim Moores, Manitou, Manitoba, uses an unmodified Anderson hay wagon, built by a local manufacturer, that's designed to hydraulically place stacks of 99 small square bales in the field and also retrieve them. The wagon is equipped with seven 7-ft. long spring-steel tines at the rear that slip under the bottom of the bin and a hydraulic tip-up floor. To load a bin the front wheels and front panel on the wagon are removed. The sides of the wagon hydraulically expand wide enough to cradle the bin. A rope is tied around the top of the bin. Once loaded, Moores tips the bin down for transport.
"I've used it mainly to move bins across my farm yard and occasionally to move bins short distances for neighbors," says Moores. "I can't move bins that are more than 14 ft. in diameter. The bins I've moved hold 1,350 and 1,650 bu. I can move slightly taller bins by keeping the wagon floor tipped at an angle. Some-times I have to jack the bin up before I can slide the steel tines under the floor. If the bin doesn't have a floor I install cross braces inside to keep the sides from col-lapsing."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Moores, RR 2, Manitou, Manitoba Canada R0G 1G0 (ph 204 242-2820).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #2