1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #31
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Build Yourself This Fringe Area Antenna
If you live in a remote rural area with poor TV reception, you might be interested in this new idea for a do-it-yourself "fringe area" antenna.James Kronberg, an electrical engineer, built the antenna when friends of his moved to a rural area and didn't want to spend the money on an expensive commercial antenna. He came up with a design that anyone can build for about $20.
Kronberg's plans use PVC and electrical conduit for the mast of the antenna. It suspends the antenna, which is special-designed to attract faint signals, about 8 ft. above the roof. The antenna even rotates its position like an expensive model using a small hand crank that mounts inside the house.
Scott and Kathy Melvin, Geddes, S. Dak., built an antenna using Kronberg's plans. "When we moved to south central South Dakota where the nearest TV station is about 70 miles away, we looked over expensive antennas in stores before we decided to build our own. We made it mostly from new parts at a cost of just over $40 and we get great reception despite the distance and the fact that high-voltage power lines run almost directly over our house."
You can order the plans, which appeared in a story in MOTHER EARTH NEWS, by ordering Issue 93 for $3.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, MOTHER EARTH NEWS, issue No. 93, 105 Stoney Mountain Road, Hendersonville, N.C. 28739 (ph 704 693-0211).
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