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Giant Towel Rolls Handy In Shop
Marshall Litchfield, Macomb, Ill., always has plenty of paper towels in his farm shop. He buys big 3-ft. dia. commercial rolls of towels and hangs them on a roller about 8 ft. off the ground. A section of bow saw blade mounted on a spring-loaded arm is used as a cut-off blade.
"Each roll weighs about 70 lbs. It takes about six to eight months for us to use up a roll," says Litchfield.
He buys the 3-ft. dia. rolls of towels from a friend who gets them from a Wisconsin dairy equipment supplier.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup,
Marshall and Kendall Litchfield, 15340 N. 700 Road, Macomb, Ill. 61455 (ph 309 254-3481).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #3