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Vermeer Introduces New Pull-Type Corn Picker
Vermeer Manufacturing, the "one and only" company making them, has introduced a new pull-type ear corn picker.
It can be purchased with a Deere 2 or 3 row head, or you can buy it without a head and provide your own. A larger pull-type model that accommodates a 4 or 6 row head is under field test but not yet in commercial production.
Equipped with a two or three row head, the new picker will husk approximately 250 bu. per hour using a 50 hp tractor. "We think our new pull type will be of interest to farmers who want to reduce drying costs, improve corn quality and recapture the added feed value of cobs," the manufacturer points out.
Sells for right at $17,000, not including a header.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vermeer Mfg., PO Box 200, Pella, Iowa 50219.

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #6