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Tractor-Mounted Scaffold
"It's useful because we can take our tools and materials up with us on the platform without struggling to carry them up a ladder, and without the danger of working from a loader bucket," says John Ewalt, who with his sons, Fred and Tony, designed and built a scaffold that mounts an the tractor 3-pt. "It gives us a wide area to work on and a solid floor so we can safely use both hands to work."
The platform is 2 ft. wide and 8 ft. long. Lifting capacity is about 1 ton. The scaffold has a 7 ft. extension that can be put on without bolts in about 1 min., extending the scaffold's working height to a total length of about 25 ft. A hydraulic cylinder will move the platform 45? forward and backward. It has an attachment to set posts that can be put on without bolts in less than a minute.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John A. Ewalt, Box 108, LaBelle, Mo. 63447 (ph 816 462-3447).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #2