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Windproof Sprayer
"It lets you spray anytime without worrying about wind conditions," says Terry Yoney, operations manager of Vertec Farm Equipment, Mayville, N. Dak., about the company's "Windproof" sprayer.
"One farmer reported that he sprayed during 25 mph winds, at a 7 1/2 mph tractor speed, and still cut application rate 25%," says Yoney. "No-tillers really like the sprayer because they're forced to spray more often and are thus able to reap more of the resulting chemical savings."
Drift tests by a government research institute showed just a .4% drift in 17 mph winds. Besides eliminating drift, the Windproof sprayer uses less water and smaller spray droplets which translate into better plant coverage and chemical action. Conventional sprayers need larger droplets to fight drift, points out Yoney.
The Vertec sprayer's shroud is made of galvanizes steel, not canvas which Yoney says indents and has turbulence problems. The shroud acts to limit air flow underneath. An air foil on top of the double-panelledshroud directs air flow down along the back. This eliminates turbulence that would otherwise cause drift problems.
As you pull the sprayer through the field, an adjustable-height 6-in. zilon drape on the front of the shroud bends weeds forward exposing the bottoms to spray for better overall coverage.
Windproof sprayers are available with 600 and 950 gal. tanks and with a 66-ft. boom that pulls directly behind the spray tank. To check plugged nozzles you stop over a bare spot of ground. The company is working on a remote monitor.
A Windproof sprayer with a 950 gal. tank sells for $8,335. Kits to retrofit onto conventional sprayers are in the works.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vertec Farm Equipment, Box 399, Mayville, N.D. 58257 (ph 701 786-4069).
In Canada, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vertec Industries Ltd., Box 840, Vermilion, Alb. TOB 4M0 (ph 403 853-2901).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3