1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3, Page #33
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Shop-Built Hydraulic Press
Koebensky's press is featured in the new "Do-It-Yourself Yearbook" published by Meredith Books (1617 Locust, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 - $24.95), which is chock full of do-it-yourself projects, handy hints, and other shop tips.
Koebensky uses his home-built press to bend or straighten flat, round, square, angle or channel iron. The press, as shown in accompanying drawing, can be used right side up or upside down. Most newer hydraulic jacks can be used in any position (horizontal, sideways, upside down) and will say so on the side of the jack.
This press is ideal for small, tough jobs and can be easily taken to the field. To build, use two pieces of 4 by 1/4-in. channel iron 28 in. long, and two 8 by 1/2-in. H-beams, one 131/2-in, long and the other 17 in, long. Weld the 4-in. channels to serve as vertical supports between both 11-beams. Note that the press is built using the shorter 11-beam on the bottom, with the flat surface down. Both beams are in the horizontal position, but the top 1-1-beam is turned to be 90? offset from the bottom beam, with its face in the vertical position.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vince Koebensky,RL I ,Box 126-1,Buffalo, Minn. 55313 (ph 612 682-427
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