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Home-Built Land Roller
My father and I came up with an inexpensive way to make our own land roller using a large air compressor tank. We bought a 10-ft. long, 36-in. dia. air compressor tank at an auction and converted it into a 14 ft. long land roller that can be filled with water for extra weight. We pull it behind a small Allis-Chalmers tractor.
It buries stones up to 5 in. in diameter, preventing damage to swather guards and knives during harvest of small grains and lentils. We spent less than $1,000 to build it. We lengthened the tank by welding together three 36-in. dia. steel wheels off an old threshing machine and then welding them onto each end of the tank. A 2-ft. long, 2-in. dia. steel shaft runs through the center of the wheels like an axle. The outer end of the shaft mounts inside a heavy-duty bearing off the crankshaft of an old tractor. The bearing bolts to a steel frame built out of 3 by 4-in. tubing. A 2-in. dia. bunge hole on each end of the tank is used to fill it with water (air escapes from one bunge hole as the tank fills up).
We used 4-in. sq. steel off an old cultivator to build the roller's hitch. A steel rack on the front part of the frame is used to carry big stones we pick up in the field. (Wayne Husak, Box 1228, Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada R0J 1H0 ph 204 476-3868)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4