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Mini Ferris Wheel Pulled by Tractor
Gerald Nutter, Alva, Okla, keeps his grand-children entertained whenever they come to visit by giving them rides on his home-made, tractor-pulled Ferris wheel. It holds up to six people at a time.
"It's fun for kids and grownups alike," says Nutter.
He mounted the Ferris wheel on the frame of an old round baler that's got a 10-ft. wide axle. He got the seats out of an old school house. There are two sets of seats with 3 seats per set. The seats are mounted on a steel shaft that turns freely inside a pair of steel I-beams. The I-beams are chain-driven by a sprocket welded onto the baler axle. Nutter uses a small International 340 tractor to pull the Ferris wheel at 3 to 4 mph.
Asked about the safety of his Ferris wheel, Nutter says, "Each seat is equipped with a safety bar so no one can fall out. It's built stout - I've had six grownups in it averaging 150 lbs. apiece."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerald E. Nutter, Rt. 2, Box 1 10, Alva, OK 73717 (ph 405 824-0651).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1