Evertight Fence Anchors
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I'd like to introduce FARM SHOW readers to my Evertight Fence Anchors, which are half-size models of the same kind of anchors used by power companies to brace power poles. They save a tremendous amount of time building fence. You can use them to make strong corners or for mid-fence bracing. They can also be used for gate post and T-fence bracing. We use the anchors for many other jobs such as grain bin tie-downs, irrigation system anchors, animal tethers, etc. As tested by an independent agency, the 4-in. dia. anchor (sells for $10 apiece) will hold 5,000 to 8,000 lbs., depending on how deeply it's screwed into the ground, while the 2-in. dia. anchor ($6) holds 1,000 to 2,000 lbs. (Ed Hoff, Box 285, Gleichen, Alberta Canada T0J 1N0 (ph 403 734-2129)
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Evertight fence anchors FARM SHOP Tools 15-1-34 I'd like to introduce FARM SHOW readers to my Evertight Fence Anchors, which are half-size models of the same kind of anchors used by power companies to brace power poles. They save a tremendous amount of time building fence. You can use them to make strong corners or for mid-fence bracing. They can also be used for gate post and T-fence bracing. We use the anchors for many other jobs such as grain bin tie-downs, irrigation system anchors, animal tethers, etc. As tested by an independent agency, the 4-in. dia. anchor (sells for $10 apiece) will hold 5,000 to 8,000 lbs., depending on how deeply it's screwed into the ground, while the 2-in. dia. anchor ($6) holds 1,000 to 2,000 lbs. (Ed Hoff, Box 285, Gleichen, Alberta Canada TOJ 1 NO (ph 403 734-2129)
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