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Deutz Planter Rises Again
Landoll Corp., a company known until now mainly for its tillage equipment, recently announced it's getting into the planter business.
The Marysville, Kan., company has taken over the patent, manufacturing, and marketing rights to the former Deutz-Allis planter. The company reintroduced the planter as the "Quadra-Disk" 4400.
The planter is virtually identical to the former Deutz-Allis planter with two 16-in. offset opening discs followed by a pair of 18-in. closing discs mounted directly to gauge wheels for precise depth control. The closing wheels actually overlap the back end of the opener discs so they catch all the soil from the openers, and also slice off additional surface soil to fully cover the seed. A concave packing wheel trails be-hind the closing discs.
The planter has 3.3 bu. seed hoppers - the largest standard per-row capacity in the industry, according to Landoll. One handy feature is that the hoppers tip forward for easy access to the underside of the units. A choice of air or plate metering systems is available. Kits for 15-in. or 19-in. narrow rows are available. So far the planter is offered only in a 6-row width, with other widths expected to be offered later.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lan-doll Corp., 1700 May St., Marysville, Kan. 66508 (ph 913 562-5381).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1