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Rock Picker Mounts On Front-End Loader
New loader-mounted rock picker is equipped with reinforced steel teeth spaced 2 in. apart that skim the ground to scoop up rocks.
"It eliminates the need for an expensive pull-type rock picker," says manufacturer Les Seeley, noting that the "rock bucket" was originally designed to pick up small rocks after they've been windrowed.
The 6-ft. wide rock picker bolts onto the loader arms and is equipped with adjustable gauge wheels that allow the teeth to ride 1/ 4 to 1 112 in. above the ground. A 1/1/2-ft. high steel bar on back of the bucket keeps rocks from rolling out. Weighs 340 lbs.
Sells for $1,250 (Canadian).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rocking Industries Ltd., Rt. 1, Flesherton, Ontario, Canada N0C 1E0 (ph 519 922-2389).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3