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Beard Trimmer
"We can't make them fast enough," says Fred Skeer, Wahl Clipper Corp., Sterling, Ill., manufacturer of a new beard clipper that's so easy to operate you can do it blindfolded.
The secret of the new trimmer is its unique five position locking trimming guide attachment. It snaps over the trimmer's blades to maintain an even, uniform cut in any of five length settings while it lifts and separates the whiskers with a combing action. The adjustable guide lets you cut each area of your beard to the exact desired length while it also makes it impossible to cut too deep.
The trimmer is also used for trimming sideburns and necklines.
Trimmer kit consists of trimmer itself, beard trimming guide attachment, mini grooming comb, styling comb, and detailed instructions. It sells for $30.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wahl Clipper Corp., 2900 Locust Street, Sterling, Ill. 61081 (ph 815 625-6525).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #1