Rope-Operated Flip-Over Swath Marker For Grain Drills and Sprayers
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I recently bought out the disc marker inventory from Davies Blade Co., Pratt, Kan. and am now marketing the rope-operated, "flip-over" swath marker for grain drills and sprayers. It's simple and easy to use and is a bargain compared to conventional marking systems. The marker consists of three discs mounted diagonally on a steel bar that's connected by rope to the center of the implement. The front and rear discs are straight "stabilizer" discs. The middle concave disc makes the furrow. As you start to turn at the end of the field, the rope slackens, then as you complete the turn the rope tightens up to pull the marker back over to the other side of the implement.
It's simple and easy to use. There's no foam to refill and it can easily be moved from one implement to another. It sells for only $130. Foam markers sell for $500 to $1,000, while a set of hydraulic markers for a 30-ft. grain drill can cost thousands of dollars. It can also be used as a center line marker by adjusting the position of the marker. To change the distance between furrows you simply use a shorter or longer rope (not included). (Steve Nokieby, NCFSaIes, Rt. 2, Box 153, Montevideo, Minn. 56265 ph 612 269-6669)
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Rope-Operated Flip-Over Swath Marker For Grain Drills and Sprayers DRILLS Drills (42C) 18-1-35 I recently bought out the disc marker inventory from Davies Blade Co., Pratt, Kan. and am now marketing the rope-operated, "flip-over" swath marker for grain drills and sprayers. It's simple and easy to use and is a bargain compared to conventional marking systems. The marker consists of three discs mounted diagonally on a steel bar that's connected by rope to the center of the implement. The front and rear discs are straight "stabilizer" discs. The middle concave disc makes the furrow. As you start to turn at the end of the field, the rope slackens, then as you complete the turn the rope tightens up to pull the marker back over to the other side of the implement.
It's simple and easy to use. There's no foam to refill and it can easily be moved from one implement to another. It sells for only $130. Foam markers sell for $500 to $1,000, while a set of hydraulic markers for a 30-ft. grain drill can cost thousands of dollars. It can also be used as a center line marker by adjusting the position of the marker. To change the distance between furrows you simply use a shorter or longer rope (not included). (Steve Nokieby, NCFSaIes, Rt. 2, Box 153, Montevideo, Minn. 56265 ph 612 269-6669)
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