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Round Bale Shower Caps
There's no need to wrap plastic around_ the circumference of round bales to keep them dry in the field, says New Zealander Kerry Wheeler. All you need is an elastic-fitted "shower cap" that simply covers the top end of the bale.
Wheeler's caps cover bales up to 6 ft. in dia., held in place by an elastic cord sewn into the edge. You can also spike the covers down through eyelets around the edges.
The caps keep water out of the center of the bale and can be used on just the top bale of a 2 or 3-bale stack, if desired. Wheeler says there's less waste - since the caps are reusable - and less expense with no need for a special bale-wrapping machine.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kerry Wheeler, Wheeler & Dodds, 355 Kahikatea Drive, Hamilton, New Zealand (ph 071 8476126).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3