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Simple Way To Tame Bulls
You can keep rambunctious bulls from jumping fences, fighting with other bulls, or attacking people with a simple method used by Saskatchewan farmer Richard Zarembo.
"It's an old Indian trick from way back," says Zarembo about his idea of hanging a small board across the front of his bulls' heads. If the bulls have horns, you just hang the board from them. If not, you can fit their head with a harness.
Zarembo just uses a piece of plywood that extends about 4 in. on each side and about 4 in. below the bull's eye level. The animal can still see out to either side and, by turning his head, can see forward. But blocking their straight-ahead view calms them down.
"This does not stop them from feeding, drinking or doing what bulls are supposed to do," he notes, adding that the idea works on other animals, too - horses, rams, billy goats, etc.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Zarembo, Box 173, Pioneer Lodge, Assiniboia, Sask. S0H 0B0 Canada (ph 306 475-2864). (Grainews)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3