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"Rubber Duk" Tractor Tires
Four years ago British farmer Brian Burling obtained a copy of FARM SHOW (Vol. 4 No. 2) which contained a story on the Rubber Duk, a low ground pressure spraying machine that uses inner tubes for tires. Soon after, he flew to Oregon to meet with the manufacturer. He now imports Rubber Duk tires to the U.K.
The Rubber Duk was developed by Rear's Manufacturing in Eugene, Ore., for low ground pressure work in heavy or wet soils. Because it "walks" through fields so lightly, the 3-ton machine has also been used for work in growing crops.
Burling was interested in the machine for use in heavy compacted soils on his farm near Cambridge, England. He found he couldn't justify importing the entire machine, however, so he began adapting the unique tires to conventional tractors equipped with spray rigs. After three years, he's sold on the idea.
The tires and special rims fit to rear tractor hubs with an adaptor kit. To fit them to the front, Burling has designed a front axle add-on stub to accommodate the large wheels. The wheels sell for about $800 per wheel and can also be fitted to 4-WD pickups with special adaptors.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rear's Manufacturing, 2140 Prairie Road, Eugene, Ore. 97402 (ph 503 688-1002).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #5