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Jet Plane Fuel Tank To Refuel Tractors
This 238-gal. farm fuel tank was originally designed to hang under the wing tank of an F84 jet airplane.
B.L. Uhnken, Jacksonville, Ill., converted the discarded surplus tank for farm use by building a trailer-mounted carrying frame that allows the tank to hang just like it would on an airplane wing. That's the only way he could make use of the lightweight (75-lb.) tank. If you mounted it any other way, it would not hold up.
A "bridge" made out of channel iron and steel tubing runs up and over the tank, which bolts in place beneath the cross pieces. There's no support at all from underneath the tank.
The wagon gear carrying the tank was formerly used to carry anhydrous and is fitted with leaf springs that help even out the ride.
Uhnken, who served in the armed forces as a jet pilot, says the light weight and low center of gravity of the tank are its biggest advantages. It's also a great conversation piece.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, B.L. Uhnken, 25 West Fair, Jacksonville, Ill. 62650 (ph 217 245-4359).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1