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Drill-Fill Hoist
"We built it for our own use and it worked so well we decided to put it on the market," says Guy Klosterman about his lift hoist that makes it easy to mount drill-fills augers onto truck endgates.
Designed for Brandt and Westfield drill-fills, the rolling hoist attaches with two wing nuts. A hand-cranked winch is used to raise and lower the drill-fill and the four large caster wheels let the hoist roll easily from side to side.
"It was a nightmare mounting drill-fills until we built this unit. There's nothing like it on the market. Makes it safe and easy for one man to do the job," says Klosterman.
The patent pending unit sells for $225. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Klosterman Mfg., 17545 74 R St. SE, Wahpeton, N.Dak. 58075 (ph 701642-2726).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2