Gravity Wagon Equipped With Belt Conveyor
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A home-built belt conveyor, mounted on a gravity wagon, works great for every-thing from filling fertilizer boxes on planters to filling grain drill hoppers with soybeans, says Illinois farmer Charles Goodall, who built the conveyor with his father, Clarence.
The Goodalls built the conveyor be-cause they said they couldn't find any-thing similar on the market. It's 13 ft. long and rotates at the base where it attaches to the wagon hopper. It's driven by a variable speed hydraulic orbit motor. The surface of the belt, which rides over rollers, is concave-shaped to "cradle" material being carried. The belt is made concave by tightening the rollers at either end. The frame of the unit is made out of 1-in. sq. tubing. A hand-cranked winch is used to raise and lower the conveyor via steel cable attached to theupper end. The conveyor swings in alongside the wagon for transport.
He says the conveyor is particularly gentle with soybeans, preventing damage to beans. And it's great for handling fertilizer because the rubber belting won't corrode. Goodall says he can load 6 fertilizer planter boxes in 10 min.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charles Goodall, Rt. 2, Box 84, Sidell, Ill. 61876.
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Gravity Wagon Equipped With Belt Conveyor WAGONS/TRAILERS Conversions 18-1-11 A home-built belt conveyor, mounted on a gravity wagon, works great for every-thing from filling fertilizer boxes on planters to filling grain drill hoppers with soybeans, says Illinois farmer Charles Goodall, who built the conveyor with his father, Clarence.
The Goodalls built the conveyor be-cause they said they couldn't find any-thing similar on the market. It's 13 ft. long and rotates at the base where it attaches to the wagon hopper. It's driven by a variable speed hydraulic orbit motor. The surface of the belt, which rides over rollers, is concave-shaped to "cradle" material being carried. The belt is made concave by tightening the rollers at either end. The frame of the unit is made out of 1-in. sq. tubing. A hand-cranked winch is used to raise and lower the conveyor via steel cable attached to theupper end. The conveyor swings in alongside the wagon for transport.
He says the conveyor is particularly gentle with soybeans, preventing damage to beans. And it's great for handling fertilizer because the rubber belting won't corrode. Goodall says he can load 6 fertilizer planter boxes in 10 min.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charles Goodall, Rt. 2, Box 84, Sidell, Ill. 61876.
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