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3 Pt Guidance System
"It's the simplest, most effective automatic guidance system ever," says Randy Rink, HR Manufacturing who's developed a one-of-a-kind 3-pt. guidance system that "reads" the row to shift cultivators, or any other quick-coupled equipment, back and forth automatically.
The "Navigator" system uses a wishbone-shaped wand to sense the position of plants in the row by actually brushing up against the stalks. It sends an electronic signal to a control box which activates a pair of hydraulic valves that shift the quick coupler frame right or left as needed using a single 14-in. cylinder. The guidance system, which includes the quick coupler, mounts on any tractor 3-pt.
One of the big advantages of the system, according to Rink, is that you don't need to make a marking furrow while planting as with other guidance sytems. When cultivating, the wands read directly from plants in the row. However, in some situations, such as on ridges, you may want to make a furrow while planting and "read" it by running a wand down through the furrow rather than against the crop. Rink says you can also replace the wands with a set of angled wheels and run them along the top of the ridge to keep equipment in line.
"This system virtually eliminates cultivator wipe-outs, reduces the amount of herbicide needed when banding due to increased accuracy, and reduces operator fatigue on sidehills or ridges," Rink told FARM SHOW, noting that the guidance system has been tested successfully in corn as small as 4 to 5 in. tall and in 3-in. beans.
The company plans to market the guidance system on a limited basis this year and go into full production next season. It's expected to sell for $2,500 to $3,000.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, HR Manufacturing, Co., Rt. 1, Box 71, Pender, Neb. 68047 (ph 402 385-3220).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #4