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Good Way To Make A Corner Post Anchor
Here's a good way to make a corner post anchor. Cut the points off a pair of throw-away plow shares about 1/8 or 1/4 in. from the first bolt hole with a metal saw or torch. Attach the shares to either side of a wooden post, about 3 in. from the bottom, with two large staples driven through holes in the shares, so that the shares hang freely out to the sides. When you drop the post down into the hole, the shares will come in against the sides of the post. But once down in the hole, the shares will hinge outward and pinch the post down so it can't be pulled out. I've had posts anchored this way for the past 12 years and they haven't risen an inch. I originally got the idea from an old wooden stave silo anchor. (Eldor Wambsganss, Rt. 1, Box 4, Elmdale, Kan. 66850)

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #5