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4 Roll Wire Unroller
"I build a lot of fence and always had a lot of trouble unrolling the wire. About 10 years ago I built this 4-roll unroller for barbed wire and it's worked so well I thought your readers might be interested in it," says Howard Carroll, Stroud, Okla
His unroller consists of a frame made out of 2-in. pipe that rides on two automotive wheels. When in transport, the rolls of wire are held off the ground. To unroll, a lever is used to lower the rolls to the ground with the wheels in the air so that ground pressure is used to unroll the wire.
The frame that hangs off the back of a pickup or tractor is made out of 2-in. pipe and is fined with a 6-ft. long tongue with a clevis-type hitch. A 7/8-in. steel rod goes through the wire spools. Spacers that go between the spools are made out of 1-in. pipe with 9-in. dia. round pieces of 3/16-in. plate steel welded to them.
The unroller is approximately 6ft. wide and holds 4 wire spools. The axle was made out of 2 car spindles and hubs and 2-in. pipe. Two 12-in. long sleeves, made out of 2 1/2 in. pipe, slip over the 2-in. axle. They support the wire unroller and the axle pivots inside the sleeves. A lever that raises and lowers the axle welds to the center of the axle. It hooks down to the tongue with a pin when the spools are on the ground. When the wheels are on the ground, the lever hooks down to the rear with a pin.
"We pull it with a tractor or pickup in low range. It could also be built to mount on a tractor 3-pt. so that you wouldn't need wheels. I also built a single spool, hand-pulled unroller (shown on the left in one of the photos)," says Carroll.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Howard E. Carroll, Rt. 2, Box 278, Stroud, Okla. 74079 (ph 918 968-3239).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #4