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Fast Way To Hand Pick Sweet Corn
We've come up with a fast way to hand pick sweet corn - we walk backward and pull a Rubbermaid laundry basket along the ground. The basket ties to a strap that goes around your waist. To keep the top of the basket rigid a steel reinforcing ring is mounted under the lip, and cable ties are used to fasten the ring to the top of the basket. A small metal plate is welded onto the ring at one end of the basket and one end of a length of nylon strap is attached to it. The other end snap-buckles to a seat belt that goes around your waist.
Each person picks the ears from two rows at a time. The basket has a solid bottom and will hold up to 3 1/2 dozen ears. More than 2,000 dozen ears of corn can be picked before the bottom of the basket will wear out. The baskets sell for $3 or $4. (Jay Strom, Strom's Sweet Corn, RR 7, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J4 ph 519 822-1070 or 519 826-3258)

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3