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Create Your Own Ear Tags
With the new Dat-A-Tag ear tags for cattle you can quickly create your own ear tags.
"The tag features four LED-style windows that are premolded into it. Using a pocket knife, you remove the necessary knockouts to create the desired letter or number. With the one letter and three number windows you can create up to 25,974 combinations from one tag. The tags are also easy to read and won't fall out. If they do, we'll replace them for you free," says Rae Ann Jones, distributor for Dat-A-Tag Inc., Cody, Wyo.
Using a special applicator, you insert the Dat-A-Tag through the top of the animal's ear positioning the tag so it hangs in front of the long hair which can hide tags. The tag's tip snaps into a high impact plastic clip which is protected from snags by the upper ear flap.
The new tags are also equipped with insecticide slot which an insecticide pouch slips in. When the pouch is empty you refill it with the insecticide of your choice using a syringe. This allows you to switch insecticides when needed,and eliminates punching more holes in the animal's ear.
Dat-A-Tags are available in five colors - red, yellow, orange, green and white - and sell for 89¢ each, including clips and insecticide pouch. The special applicator sells for $25.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dat-A-Tag, P.O. Box 1930, Cody, Wyo. 82414 (ph 800 722-8303; in Wyo., call collect 307 527-7191).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #3