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Gas Engine Powers Portable Drill Press
"It works as good as any stationary press but is portable so I can take it anywhere," says Roger Fisher, Spirit Lake, Iowa, who converted an old stationary drill press by mounting a Briggs & Stratton 3 hp gas engine on top.
Fisher got the worn-out drillpress where he works and a friend gave him the motor. He mounted the press on a home-built 2 wheeler fitted with lawn mower wheels. The motor mounts on a heavy bracket above the press.
The engine belt-drives the drill via a pulley mounted on a shaft at the bottom of the engine (salvaged from an old lawn mower). The pulley is big enough to gear the drill down. Fisher can slide a bracket up and down to line up the belt. "I keep the belt somewhat loose so if the drill bit catches the belt will slip so the bit won't break," says Fisher. A safety shield covers the belt.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger Fisher,Rt. l, Box 9048, SpiritLake, Iowa 51360.

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1