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Wick Wiper Cattle Oiler
Mounting a modified wick wiper across a gate opening and filling it with fly spray makes a low-cost, maintenance-free, and environmentally safe cattle oiler, says Warren Madson, Moody, Texas, who made the oiler out of a Monsanto weed control wick kit.
Nylon rope wicks hang from a 3-in. dia. PVC pipe. Madson drills a 15/16-in. dia. hole in the pipe every 9 in., tap threads it, and screws a nylon fitting and 16 to 20-in. long piece of 1/2-in. solid braid nylon rope wick into each tapped hole. The pipe, filled with liquid insecticide, is mounted high enough that the cattle's heads and backs touch the wicks without touching the pipe.
"It cost about $40 to make and takes about two hours to build. Lets you control flies on cattle for only half as much money as it costs to spray them," says Madson, who says he's had "enormous response" to his idea. "Ear tags work well as long as you change them regularly, but you have to use a squeeze chute to apply them which is a lot of work. There's no waste with my wick wiper and the cows do all the work. A 10-ft. long PVC pipe holds 4 to 5 gal. of fly spray which should last about two months, de-pending on how many cattle you've got. The best place to mount the wick wiper is across a gate opening that cattle have to use to get to water. It also works well mounted outside a dairy parlor."
The pipe has a 90 degree elbow on one end for filling. A cleanout adapter is glued to the elbow. Madson will mail a set of instructions if sent a self-addressed stamped envelope.
A complete 10-ft. wick wiper with 14 drops can be purchased from Madson for $69 plus shipping. Maximum length U.P.S. will ship is 9 ft. so wick wiper is shipped in two sections that can be easily glued together. If you want to furnish your own PVC pipe, a kit of 14 drops sufficient for a 10-ft. wick wiper sells for $28 plus shipping. Additional assembled drops sell for $2 each. A drop consists of 18-in. nylon rope, compression grommet, washer, 3/4-in. NPT x 3/4-in. GHT nylon fitting, and 3/4-in. GHT cap.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Warren H. Madson, Rt. 2, Box 71, Moody, Texas 76557-9414.

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #3