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Chisel Points Made From Sickle Sections
"We got the idea of using worn sickle sections for hard surfacing chisel plow points while applying hard surfacing to plow points with abrasion rods. While welding my brother Ray noticed some used sickle sections lying near the welding area," says Robert Stobaugh, Atkins, Ark.
"After finding they were a near perfect fit for the twisted shovels we were using, he decided to test the idea by hard surfacing points on the same plow using both conventional methods and sickle sections. We found little difference in their wear inhibiting qualities. The advantage of using sickle sections is that you save money because the worn-out sections are free and secondly, because it's much faster to apply the sickle sections than it is to hard surface using conventional methods.
"Since the points we're using cost around $11 each, any increase in usable life translates into big savings. We've been using this method about three years and are well-pleased. So much so that our plow doesn't go to the field without sickle sections on the plow points, even if they're new.
"We've also been experimenting with reshaped points. By using a cutting torch to reshape severely worn points., and then applying the sickle sections, we get another season out of the same plow points. We use the section itself to mark the chisel point when cutting it down so they match perfectly.
"Here's how we do it. First, prepare the surface with a wire brush to get good metal contact. Then weld the sections on using the abrasion rods you would normally hard surface with. Weld all the way around the section and then also bum a hole in the center of the section and weld there for added strength."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stobaugh Farms Inc., Rt. 2, Box 435, Atkins, Ark. 72823 (ph 501 354-8126 or 8767).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #4