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Jack Stand Splits Tractor For Maintenance
You'll like this tractor "splitter" that attaches to the tractor front-end with a pair of bolts and a set of chains, propping it up on wheels while you work on the tractor clutch or transmission.
Leo Storms, Winner, S. Dak., who built the rolling jack stand, says it lets you move the detached front end around easily and eliminates the need for clumsy overhead hoists or makeshift jack stands. "Makes it easier to hook back together again, too. The chains have turnbuckles that adjust for height and you can knock it back and forth with a hammer for side adjustment," he notes.
The stand consists simply of two metal arms that bolt to the tractor frame at the center of the tractor and two lengths of chain that wrap around the front axle. "I'm both a farmer and a neighborhood mechanic and I've yet to find a tractor it will not work on, frame or frameless," says Storms.
Storms sells the jack stand for $279 and he's looking for dealers or distributors.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leo Storms, Box 2, Rt. 9, Winner, S. Dak. 57580 (ph 605 842-1686).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #2