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Cheap Way To Keep Animals Away From Livestock
"I have been raising sheep and goats in the same location for the past 15 years and until 1987 I would lose from 3 to 15 head a year to wild dogs," says L.G. Johnson, Fresno, Calif.
"Most years I would kill 3 or 4 dogs caught in the act, usually at night. In 1987, I lost 83 head of sheep and goats and ended up sleeping outdoors many nights and rigged up lights trying to catch them in the act. I killed 7 dogs that year. At that point, I decided I either had to figure out how to stop the slaughter or stop raising livestock.
"Then I met a man who raised rabbits who had found a way to protect them with a motion sensor light. I bought one and mounted it on a post by the gate of the pen where I water and feed the animals. The motion censor is aimed at the opening so that if a dog comes through or if a dog chases the sheep and goats out of the pen, the light comes on, scaring the dogs away.
"It worked great. Since I installed the lights in mid-1988, I've lost just 3 animals and 2 of those were in the daytime. The lights don't do any good during the day so I unscrewed one of the lights (there's two on each unit) and screwed in an electric plug-in. Then I plugged in a transistor radio (tuned to a talk radio station) so that when anything 'triggers the motion sensor, the radio comes on. It works great to scare away dogs. At night, both the light and the radio work together to scare them away.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, L.G. Johnson, 1510 S. Brawley Ave., Fresno, Calif. 93706 (ph 209 264-7115).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #2