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Cutterbar Grain Saver Also Blocks Dirt, Rocks
Grain can't roll off the platform and rocks can't roll on with a new grain saver bar invented and manufactured by W.A. Johnson, Louisville, Kent.
Johnson got the idea after computing that he was losing 2 to 5 bu. of soybeans per acre when combining. "Beans shatter and roll off the platform. I wanted to find a way to keep them on the header until the rest of the crop material could pull them in or until the end of the field when I can raise the head up to tip grain into the back of the header."
The 3-in. tall sheet metal barrier that Johnson came up with mounts just behind the back of the sickle bar and runs across the whole width of the cutterbar. It's held in place with right angle brackets that mount on existing sickle guard bolts.
Johnson notes that when he started testing the grain saver he discovered that in addition to saving grain it also keeps rocks, dirt and other foreign objects out of the header. "Farmers tell me that even if it never saved a kernel of grain it would be worth having on their cutterbars," says Johnson, adding that the grain saver also helps short grain crops feed better because it keeps short-stemmed material on the platform until the reel can pull it in.
It's designed to fit any cutterbar for use on any crop and sells for $20 per foot.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, WA. Johnson, 12406 Taylorsville Road, Louisville, Kent. 40299 (ph 502 267-5263).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #5